Thursday, 29 December 2016

Not enough memory space for your phone. FFS!

Have you ever hate seeing this piece of shit pop out on your phone? You can't download "entertaining" videos, update apps and taking picture for your self absorb instagram account. Some phone will lag af. You basically can't do shit.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Available Pokemap for Pokemon Go

Its been few months Pokemon Go went live. With the help of some poke tracker apps and website prevent us from hunting only Pidgeys and top percentage Ratata. Good things doesn't last forever. Niantic ban hammer 3rd person pokemon tracker. Leaving us the Pokemon Master to ultimate boredom for weeks and run around aimlessly for rare nearby pokemon. Still the good nature of data miner out there have not stop working on finding a way to get poketracker up again.

I will  be updating a list on which site or app is available for Poketracker. Feel free to leave your comment if you find any legit pokemap site or app


Update 5 November 2016

Niantic change their security code and Fastpokemap shutdown once again. Oh my goodness I was outside with no freakin pokemap while playing Pokemon Go. I catch bunch of Eevees and the only rare is a bloody Pidgeot. Fastpokemap promise us they will be back but it will take time.

Update 9th November 2016

2. Poke Tracking app

While most poke tracker app are fake and only one or two are effective pokemon map. Go Tracking - For Pokemon Go is one of the few that give reliable poke map. They allow to scan the area only around you and radius can be adjusted im their setting. I prefer 500 metre and below so I can walk to a pokemon instead of running like Usain Bolt.

They even have a notification everytime a pokemon spawn on your radar. Don't forget to filter the pokemon you don't want. I had my notification full of premium Pidgeotto and Raticate. Tested out few days this app pick up pokemon too slow. It only recieve pokemon in their scan at their last 6min duration. This app is useful if you are 150m away or 3 blocks away of the pokemon you wanna hunt.

Update 11 November 2016


SGpokemap is back!!!!! It only work for Singapore map. Its the best pokemap site I ever use. So many good memories getting the rare ones. Their service is good they can send notification via twitter on where the rare pokemon will be.

Looks like my weekend is busy hunting Pokemon once again.

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Do you wanna know when your country gonna get Pokémon Go fever?

Apk for Pokemon Go is out but its better to wait for official release. Come check out this site for list of country that are official release for Pokemon Go. 

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Singapore Favourite Minah Married

She was Internet sensation and the most talk about in many forum. If you Google her Nurul Farhana or her other alias Anna Chan you might find many exciting picture to look at. I was looking for some of her pic for further research and stumble on this Tumblr. The date posted on 23 Jan 2016 Saturday. The picture look like legit Malay wedding. Anyway wish her all the best and I am gonna miss her blue top with short pants pic.

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